Watch LaterAdded 00:12 Videos Stone Buddha, Travel the path April 8, 2022 August 7, 2022 Stone Buddha Alternate Realities from Tokyo, Japan You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself Fine me at https... 1.1K0
Watch LaterAdded Statues Giraffe Calf Statue, Hibiya Park June 29, 2020 December 29, 2023 The Giraffe Calf Statue is a work of art located in Hibiya Park, Tokyo Japan. It was exhibited at the Spring field sculpture exhibit... 8581
Watch LaterAdded Statues Buddha at private shrine in Tokyo May 29, 2020 December 29, 2023 A Buddha statue sitting on lotus flower located at residential shrine in engakuji located near to Shinagawa station, Tokyo Japan 1.2K1
Watch LaterAdded Statues Komainu at Yoshibaoka Fuji Asama Shrine April 6, 2020 January 17, 2024 This Komainu is located at the Yoshibaoka Fuji Asama Shrine in Tokyo, Japan. Komainu, often called lion-dogs in English, are statue... 0.9K1