Watch LaterAdded Castles Castle of Manzanares Real May 18, 2019 December 26, 2023 he New Castle of Manzanares el Real, also known as Castle of los Mendoza, is a palace-fortress erected in the 15th century in the to... 1.6K1
Watch LaterAdded Historical Palace of Canto Del Pico May 18, 2019 August 18, 2021 The Palace of Canto del Pico (Spanish: Palacio del Canto del Pico) is a palace located in Torrelodones, Spain 1.4K0
Watch LaterAdded Statues Luis Miguel Dominguin, Las Ventas April 6, 2019 December 27, 2023 A lifelike bronze sculpture dedicated to the famous bullfighter Luis Miguel Dominguín. Created by renowned artist Ramón Aymerich. 1K0